A Sitemap is very Important for
any website because when we submit sitemap to search engines then they can
crawl our website fast, there are many online tools available to create sitemap
for websites but they work only for static websites and if you are an ASP.net
developer then you should develop your own site map system which updates
regularly for dynamic pages.
So I am creating XML RSS Feed which can work as a Sitemap
as well.
First Create a Aspx Page, for
example I am creating rss.aspx
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Data;
using System.Xml;
using System.Text;
public partial class rss : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void
Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataTable dt = new
string query = "select
* from articles";
//Binding data from Database to datatable
you can use your own methods to binding data into datatable.
dt = dc.get_datatable(query);
//Start writer rss.xml is the file which will be genrated after
when we run this page,
TextWriter = new XmlTextWriter(Server.MapPath("~/rss.xml"), System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
//Start XM DOcument
= Formatting.Indented;
= 2;
Response.ContentType = "text/xml";
//Below tags are mandatory rss tag
TextWriter.WriteAttributeString("version", "2.0");
// Channel tag will contain RSS feed details
TextWriter.WriteElementString("title", "Your
website Title Will be Here");
TextWriter.WriteElementString("link", "put
your website url here with http://");
TextWriter.WriteElementString("description", "Desciption
of you website here.");
TextWriter.WriteElementString("copyright", "Any
Copyright Info you can write here");
// Reading data from datatable which contains the values of
our Dynamic URL
foreach (DataRow oFeedItem
in dt.Rows)
TextWriter.WriteElementString("title", oFeedItem["title"].ToString());
TextWriter.WriteElementString("description", oFeedItem["title"].ToString());
// Now you can see in link field I am giving the value
dynamically loop will continue for the all Article ID like our dynamic url is http://example.com/articleid.aspx?=33.
So it will add all dynamic IDs or article in our RSS feed.
TextWriter.WriteElementString("link", "http://example.com/articleid.aspx?="+oFeedItem["I_Articleid"].ToString());
I have Code whole coding on page
load which means whenever rss.aspx loads our rss.xml sitemap will be updated. If
you this to be done automatically then you can call rss.aspx page after any changes
in website, or you can do it manually after any updates or daily,this RSS Feed or Sitemap is
tested with Google and works Perfectly for my website, and RSS feed tested with
Please Read the Comments on Code
Carefully to Implement RSS Feed and XML Sitemap in your website, if you need
any kind of help Regarding this Code you can Contact me.